Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We have wood!

We started a little before Ernie showed up by unbolting the couch and sliding it out of its place so we could start the demo on the carpet under the couch and on the coach floor in front.  This completes the demo!  We had another fight with the staples, only 2 trillion this time!  But we got it done.
Almost done under the couch
Then we discovered a little glitch where we had installed the new tile.  Since we didn't know exactly what was what when we did the tile, we chose to end it right at the galley cabinet edge.  Unfortunately that is exactly where the T-molding has to go for the transition from tile to wood.  The T-molding also stands up a bit from the floor, maybe 3/8" or so, and this joint is right on the edge as the slide moves in and out.  As it was, we only had about 1/4" from the tile to the bottom of the cabinet.  So we took that opportunity to do two things, one, raise the slide a bit throughout ( it needed that anyway) so Jan and I ripped apart the cabinets to access the rollers.  We raised it about another 1/4", then, two, we cut a little bit off the cabinet edge so it would definitely clear the molding.
You can obviously see I'm doing the hard part:-)

Ernie making the surgical cut
So the demo is done!  Jan graduated to doing a little floor leveler, and more will have to be done in the front of the coach where the OSB was damaged by pulling up the tile, but the big news is.......

We have the first bit of wood installed in the bedroom!  And it looks oh so good!
Oh yeah!

How sweet it is
So today we expect a lot more wood will be put down in the bedroom, if not all of it.  Ernie will be held up in the front as the stair nose trim is not expected until Thursday.  The stair nose trim is the first thing installed in the front of the coach and the wood continues from there.  But if necessary he will put down the wood under the couch on the slide first.  More and more progress, baby!  And the rain is supposed to finally stop later today, it has been pouring nonstop!

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