Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Molding repair

Jan and I worked on the molding today.  We had to repair the small cherry slat that runs along the bottom of the molding first.  One end split and came apart, and the other end came loose from the main molding.  We got them glued and clamped and moved on to the "j channel" issue.  Monaco used a plastic channel which as I mentioned in the last post split and allowed the whole thing to fall.  This is what the plastic J looks like.

It is quite fragile as we found out.  It's funny because we checked the other three slide out molding which are all attached the same way.  The difference is on the other three there is a hard wooden block under each end of the molding so the weight and the bouncing doesn't put the plastic J in jeopardy like the driver's front slide out.  There is nothing holding it up other than the plastic "j channel".  We found a metal channel, actually used for a tile floor that fits perfect at Lowes.
We epoxied and screwed this channel to the molding.  It will not come down now unless we want it down!

The photos don't show it but we put three pieces of metal channel on the molding.  The black rectangles you see in the pictures are velcro.  They don't hold the molding up, they just keep it against the aluminum extrusion that is the front lip of the the slide so the molding doesn't move or bounce.
We are letting the glue and epoxy dry overnight and will install the molding tomorrow.  We will be glad to get this 12 1/2 foot molding out of our way!
Also today we set up a service appointment with an upholstery shop to have our two dining chairs tightened up and new cushioning put in the seats.  We sit in these chairs a lot, not only when eating but when we do our computing and office work on as well.  They have never been real comfortable and they need some more cushioning, yeah, even for Jan!  Our friends, Brett and Sandra had some work done by this shop and were very pleased recommended them.
Also, we got a body shop lined up and an appointment made to fix the Jeep which got sideswiped on our trip.  A good day with much accomplished!


Sandy Smith said...

Could you go on vacation again? The blog was much more interesting.

Bill said...

So sorry. I'd be glad to go back on vacation. But in the meantime.......