Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pretty uneventful

Yesterday I made my foray to Atlanta and I have to admit it was no big deal.  My first contact was at the Sarasota airport at the unGodly hour of 5am, so it wasn't busy at all, big surprise, huh?  They were friendly and once I knew what to do it was a piece of cake.  Onto the airplane, good ride, good weather, and the rental car waiting for me with a free upgrade to a brand new Taurus, which was quite nice by the way.  Took a while to learn to even turn on the radio, but very nice.  Into the dentist's office right on time, then for some unknown reason, he had some difficulty getting me numb.  In fact when all was said and done it took almost 40 minutes to get me ready, but after I was numb, the rest of the process only took a few minutes.  Back in the car, turned it in, and even the security in Atlanta was palatable although busy, got to the gate 40 minutes before departure, right on the plane, and back by 2:30!  So that's all done.

Jan took the opportunity of me being away to wash all the windows on the coach, so they are gleaming this morning as we wait for the DirecTV guy to show.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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