Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Here it is, Christmas Eve, wow the year has flown by!  A lot sure has happened this year, another retirement, a lot of travel, our son getting married, failing health of my mom, the upcoming retirement of a good friend, Larry, John's retirement from Delta, and early next year, Karen's retirement, the ability to have spent time on the road with Nancy and CT, and Karen, visits with Viv, a fantastic time seeing Sandy and Kris and their clan, a wonderful unexpected visit with Bruce and Cathie to name just a few of the things.  Christmas has never been a big holiday for me, the commercialism has almost destroyed it for me.  I cherish Thanksgiving and that's when I give thanks for everything and enjoy time with family and friends.  This Christmas is a bit poignant though, Kelly and the kids aren't coming, Jason and Jessica have plans with their family, mom isn't up to much, another part of the family is mostly together in Auburn.  We've spent Christmas apart before, but this time it seems a little lonely.  We are getting together for Christmas Eve dinner with mom, and will see her in the morning for brunch, then we'll have Christmas dinner with Ray and April.  I am confident it will be nice, but it will be quiet.  

Jan and I found out we are not as young as we once were.  We helped Jason and Jessica move on Saturday, and by the end of the day we were hobbling around, Jan might say I was hobbling around, but we both ended up in bed by 8pm, dead to the world.  But amazingly enough neither of us had any lingering aches or stiffness the next morning!  

So Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you are where you want to be with the people you want to be with, and send out wishes and prayers for all the folks that are away from their families, particularly our military that are far, far from home and family.

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