Saturday, December 29, 2012

Our winter spot

It occurred to me that I have referenced our spot in Nokomis, but haven't showed you where we are spending the winter.  We are in the back of the Encore Royal Coachman resort on one of only 5 pull throughs out of hundreds of regular sites.  What is unique to our site is we have quite a bit of room and privacy on our living side.  You can get some idea from the photos.  Encore is an old resort among many pine trees and it takes some imagination to figure out the sites, kind of like someone was playing pick up sticks.  Anyway here is our home sweet home for the winter.
Our Earthboxes in the foreground

This gives you an idea of the size of our site


Sandy Smith said...

are the slides all the way out or are they tucked in for the photos?

Bill said...

They are all the way out. I do see what you mean though, especially in the first photo.