Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept 11th

I'm out flying on this infamous day.  Left Orlando this morning to fly to San Juan and now back to Tampa.  I'm glad to see people flying and the airports busy, and not deserted in fear of another attack.  I think the best thing we can all do on this day is remember and continue to live our lives in the face of these terrorists.  I was thinking about where we were 10 years ago.  We were on a motorhome trip with our friends Ray and April and my in-laws Vern and Viv, three couples each in our own motorhomes.  We had visited Glacier National Park for several days and were getting ready to leave to drive over to Coeur d'Alene.  It was about 6:30 am local time and we were each getting ready to go.  I had already taken down our satellite dish, but Ray still had the news on while they were eating breakfast. When he came over and told me a plane had hit the World Trade Center, I poopooed him and told him it was probably just a little plane going near them and he said no, I think it's an airliner.  I got the dish back up then and we all gathered to watch the second jet hit the second tower, and the rest is history.  I hope none of us will forget the astonishment, pain, and anger we ALL experienced that day.  I know that 10 years later a lot of people think this will never happen again and have dropped their guard, and also their allegiance to our country and their patriotism that we all shared after the attack.  I truly hope we can bring it back and be proud to be Americans, and realize there are still many, many people in this world who want to do us harm.

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