Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It has been a busy few days.  Karen got in Saturday night.  We had a great dinner at Nancy and CT's with Viv.  Sunday, while CT was playing in a golf tournament, the rest of us had an interesting brunch, then the girls all went shopping, visited Viv's apartment, all while I worked on my schedule for Aug.  Right now I'm off until the 18th, but I want to do better than that.  We all went out for an early fantastic mexican dinner, then back to the motorhomes so I could show Karen a few things in preparation for our drive to Durango.  She had never driven a big motorhome before.  Monday morning Karen and I went to the airport to pick up Karen's friend and copilot for the trip, Rachel.  Back to the motorhomes, last few things accomplished and off we go.  Jan rode with Karen and Rachel for the first few miles, just in case she had any questions or problems, but the trip was uneventful, scenic, and Karen did a great job even through a one lane section of construction.  Picked up their rental car, had a very lively dinner discussing all the different things to do in the next few days.  Rained off and on, but this morning it is beautiful, clear, and a delightful 60 degrees.

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