Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Almost ready to leave

We are getting close to leaving for vacation, doing some of the last few chores.  We loaded the motorcycle on the lift, got it tied down, checked the motorhome's tire pressures, oil, and coolant levels.  After we sat and watched a bunch of our neighbors leaving after the holiday weekend, we definitely learned something.  We had never bothered with cleaning the faucet we hooked up to for water at any campgrounds all these years, and we've been very lucky and not had any problems.  But we ended up watching several people today unhooking their sewer and water, using their fresh water hose to clean out the sewer line, AND putting the sewer hose right up to the faucet to rinse out the hose!  From now on we will be using a strong Clorox solution to sanitize the faucets.  Tomorrow we pick up a trailer to pack up a bunch of stuff to take to Texas to our daughter's house for either her to use or put in a yard sale.  It occurred to us that the money we spent renting the storage unit for 7 years could've easily paid for anything in there.  So we are determined to get it cleaned out!  We had a horrendous storm come through last night that tore off the awnings on two RV's.  We were lucky and had no damage.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Oh that's GROSS, seriously what the Hell are people thinking!