Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ouch, the CRS is really setting in!

We left Longview yesterday to go up to Amarillo, but decided we weren't going to go over 500 miles in one day.  We searched the Trailer Life guide and RV Park Reviews, our two go to campground guides and find a campground with decent ratings about halfway, in Wichita Falls, TX.  Good, we take off on a very windy, 30+ mph gusts right abeam us, and when we stop for lunch, Jan calls and makes a reservation, our normal traveling SOP.  We get off the highway, work our way through downtown Wichita Falls, and as we near the campground we start looking at each other, and out loud start questioning, have we been here before?  And as we pull in, it dawns on us that, yes, we sure have!  But even worse neither of us can even remember when?!?  After checking in I go into my records and sure enough we stayed here in 2011 on our way from Pagosa Springs to Longview.  I guess we do deserve some kind of break though, since we have literally stayed at hundreds of different campgrounds over 20 years.  Sounds good, huh?

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