Friday, April 27, 2012

Busy days

We remarked to each other when we got here that the month would fly by and before we knew it we would be leaving.  Well, here we are with just a few days left.  We have been having breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with family and friends before we say good-bye.  Had a nice visit with Ann and Dick, which we found out are not going to be in Pagosa Springs this year as they usually are.  We're pretty disappointed.  But lives and situations change.
We had a special, superb dinner of Paella with Ray and April and Jason and Jessica.  Ray and I made the paella and Jan made dessert while April made the sangria.  A good time was had by all.
We've been putting off washing the motorhome for one reason or another so yesterday was the day.  We rented a pressure washer so we could finally get the roof clean.  We had been parked under pine trees for quite awhile in Atlanta, and they did a number on the roof.  Absolutely black from the mildew!  I mentioned earlier that Jan and I had spent hours on the roof on our hands and knees trying to clean it with only limited results.  The pressure washer did the trick.  Nice and clean now.  Then we continued to wash the coach and waxed the front end in preparation for the love bugs.  Yeah they are coming out now.  For any of you who haven't experienced the delights of these bugs on their vehicle, they stick like glue and are a royal pain to clean off.  I swear they actually turn to glue when they hit your car!
Then last evening we took my mom over to the jetty for an hour or so just to watch the boats, birds, dolphins, and the water.  A gorgeous evening.  Then had a simple dinner with her that we enjoyed very much.  So Jan is off to play Mahjong and I'm off to run a few errands.  Retirement is okay!  Whoops, not official yet ;-)


Nancy said...

Jan learned to play mahjong! Yay! Maybe we can find a couple more to play when we get together. Glad you are able to start moving around...these RVs will drive us crazy sooner or later. Hope to get together sometime this summer.

Bill said...

Actually we both learned how to play, but she is much better at it than me. It's true!
It would be great to meet up somewhere.