Monday, July 8, 2024

Starting Our Last Week in Maine

We had to say good bye to beautiful Chewonki and moved up the road to Hermon, an outskirt of Bangor to a favorite campground, Pumpkin Patch.

Our last evening

 Even celebrated Jan's birthday with me cooking dinner.

Then topped it off the next day at one of our favorite restaurants in Bangor, Timber, complete with a Guinness.

Our main goal coming here was getting together with our friends, Doug and Nancy, which we did, had a wonderful lunch and a wonderful visit, even though we never took one picture:-(  Even so, it did happen and we really enjoyed seeing them.  With poetic license I am going to cheat and post a picture of when we met them last year:-)  After all none of us has changed a bit!

Washing the rig had become a priority, it was filthy as we drove through a bunch of rain way back in April getting to Maine and hadn't been allowed to wash it since.  So one nice day Jan did the roof herself and we did the rest together and then she even washed and waxed the truck.

A bit dirty

Gleaming now

Just to prove I did some of the work

What to do after, well go get some lunch at another favorite, the Eagle's Nest.
Look out Billy's, we thought this was even better
We ended up taking almost all of it home because we also had
haddock and scallops, yummy!

So Jan made a delicious light Thai chicken salad for dinner.

So while we were there a caravan of 19 coaches arrived to get ready for their 59 day tour through the Maritimes, and one was parked right next to us.  We have been thinking about a better way to get internet especially since we are strictly streaming our TV now.  We have been using a Verizon hotspot backed up with our AT&T phones, but it has been challenging, and had been awful the whole 7 weeks we were parked in Scarborough.  Anyway our neighbor had a Starlink and we picked his brain quite a bit, and then we learned that Jan's sister Karen had gotten one so we picked her brain as well.  Long story short we have now joined the 21st century and got a Starlink and I'm telling you so far it is awesome!  And yes we should have done it a month ago.

We picked it up at Best Buy, got it back, looked it over, and tried to decide the best way to install or handle it.  Both our neighbor and Karen mounted the power supply and router in their basements, but we don't have any room in our basements, and we wanted something as easy to do as possible.  We chewed on it a while and decided to go back to Best Buy and get a short cable and coupler that we could install between our plumbing bay and a spot above our washer where we had mounted other items such as our tank monitor and our transfer switch monitor, so after getting the stuff we had to snake the cable up through the floor, and of course the diesel mechanic came into play, not that she'll like this picture:-)

The router and power supply in their home.

So this way we can connect and disconnect in the plumbing bay and set up the Dishy wherever we want.  So far so good.

Jan made a Mediterranean cod along with our leftover lobster stew.

Then our last lunch out and enough for the next day as well for our huge travel day, all 38 miles down to Ellsworth for our last week.

Next post we should be out of Maine heading west.

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