Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Back in Atlanta

We had a great visit with great food while in Buffalo with Jason and Joanne and Jax.  It included gourmet food and a nice dinner with Joanne's parents, Joe and Donna.

Steak done perfectly
Joanne and Joe

The chef applying the final touches, much to Jax's approval

Jason taking his bows
Jan, Moi, Jax, chef Jason, Joe, and Donna

Even Sophie approves

Even managed to go out for sushi.

Then a final evening and off we went.

We were off to Ohio to meet up with dear old friend's, Larry and MaryEllen who we hadn't seen in many moons.  We go all the way back to college days, you know back when we were just coming out of the Stone Age.  We met for a nice lunch and then went back to see their beautiful home, visited and worked on catching up.  The good news is now we are within a stone's throw of each other and looking forward to visiting much more often.

Then on to Pennsylvania to something we have been wanting to do for years, visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water.  It is truly something.  It was designed for Edgar Kaufmann, owner of the largest department store in Pittsburgh, and built on his vacation land over a waterfall.  It was built in 1936-38 with the guest house constructed in 1939.  The main house is 9300 sq. ft. of which 4400 sq. ft. is outdoor terraces, and the guest house is 4990 sq. ft. of which 1950 sq. ft. is outdoor terraces.  The land surrounding it was originally 1500 acres and since it was handed over to the conservancy to maintain and make it a public attraction, it now encompasses 5000 acres!  It is remarkable how it blends into the land with only two colors, light ocher for the sandstone and Wright's signature Cherokee red for the steel.

Even a 6' deep swimming pool completely spring fed,
the tour guide says it is unusually green, but they are in the midst
of a drought

Narrow stairways, and the protruding stone on the walls
are used as hand holds.

It was fascinating and amazing in its uniqueness, especially in that almost all materials came from nearby.  Well worth a visit.

So now we are in the Atlanta area, specifically Ellijay in North Georgia, we have lots to do, and several goals to accomplish.  Won't be many posts for the next few weeks as we attend to business:-)

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