Thursday, June 9, 2022

Loving Maine

Our location at Camden Hills State Park gave us access to several great places.  We wanted to go back to McLoon's Lobster Shack, both for the food as well as the view, what a picturesque spot way down on the end of Sprucehead Island.  But first Tom and I visited the very nice Owl's Head Transportation Museum, thank you, Bob, we spent a couple hours wandering around enjoying their fantastic displays, then met the women at McLoon's.

 A beautiful spot.

And the food was great as well.

Clam chowder

Seafood chowder

And awesome grilled clams!

We took a ride back through Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor, and tripped over a seafood co-op selling fresh fish, so we picked up some cod and scallops which made for a tasty dinner that evening.

Tenant's Harbor

The next day we all went up to Belfast to eat lunch at a new place for us, and to take a walk along the Harborwalk right through the working harbor of Belfast.  We had lunch at Young's Lobster Pound, an interesting place.  You walk into their huge building and order what you'd like to eat, they make up a number and give it to you, like 99, 10,000, 11,000, etc.  They call your number and you go pay for and pick up your food, then eat it on picnic tables outside their building.  Fun and good.

I forgot to take a picture of Karen and Tom's HUGE haddock sandwiches.  Then over the walking bridge and along the harbor walk.

What a gorgeous day!  Even had a rainbow that evening at the campground.

The next day we went into Camden, enjoyed a fantastic lunch on a deck overlooking the very busy harbor at Waterfront.

That is my BOWL of lobster stew!!

Then a walk around historic and interesting Camden.

With only one more day to go we had to go up on Mt. Battie with its awesome view of Camden and even Mt Desert where Acadia National Park is located.

Off to Trenton and Acadia, a stop for lunch near the Penobscot Narrows Bridge.

We pulled into our absolutely fabulous site right on the water at Narrows Too RV Resort in Trenton, ME.

We will be here for a week and unfortunately Mother Nature has a bunch of rain in store for us, so we'll hunker down, enjoy our view even in the rain, run an errand to Bangor, and enjoy the rest of the week.

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