Friday, January 4, 2013

Sore butts and projects begin!

We finally got the bikes out for a nice ride.  The day was so pretty and the temps were so right, we just kept going and going, all the way to the southern end of the Legacy Trail, about 8 miles from the campground. As it turned out 16 miles later on our way back, our butts were both so sore we had to keep stopping to walk around a bit to ease the discomfort.  It sure was evident it had been awhile since we last biked!  When I think about it, it was in Durango in October when we had last been on the bikes.  We'll keep it going now so our bodies can reacclimate.  It was a pretty ride though.
End of the trail

Along the way

Round another bend
We are finally starting on the projects.  Jan spent several hours yesterday scraping, chipping, and prying to get the rest of the tiles and adhesive off the wall in the shower.  Once they are off we can reinstall new tile and get that project done.  We have been looking at torn up walls for months.  It will be nice to get it done, but boy, is it a bear to get them off and cleaned up!
The next project is going to be to add another starting battery to the motorhome.  We have had a few issues over the years with reluctant starting every once in a while.  In fact, in 2011, I switched out the original starting batteries which were installed incorrectly, I should say they were not the proper type batteries for starting applications, not that they were installed incorrectly.  Monaco for some unknown reason had installed deep cycle batteries instead of proper starting batteries.  Dummy me, made a poor calculation and replaced them with 2 new batteries thinking that it would have the same starting amperage.  NOT!  With the addition of the 3rd, it will actually exceed the amperage of the originals, and when you are trying to start a huge diesel more is definitely better!  I'm going to enlist my son Jason's help, actually he volunteered, and he and I will clean up all the connections, make sure the grounds are good and install the third battery.  It should take care of the problem and also allow the generator to start more easily.

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