Wednesday, August 14, 2024

We've Been Busy!

It's been two weeks since the last post and we have filled the time, and sure added a lot of mileage to the truck:-)  We really love where we are here in North Georgia, but it is at least 35 miles to the nearest place, Canton, and well over 55 miles for most of our other appointments.  And it feels like we have been doing that on at least a daily basis, but we have accomplished a lot.  We really like this campground, Talona Ridge, it is a top shelf place, manicured, all paved and concrete sites, lots of amenities.  And we've gone from a period of pouring rain and thunderstorms to really warm GA weather, in the 90's.

Doctors have occupied us the most.  I had a root canal done in April that unfortunately has been bothering me even more than it did before, so back to the endodontist to see what was what.  After examining me, they determined that although he could do another root canal the chances of it fixing it was small, he is sure it is cracked, so an appointment was made to see an oral surgeon.  And they determined I would need to have it pulled, then in 3-4 months have an implant installed, then 3-4 months after that a crown.  Yippee.

Then I have been having an pain issue with my shoulder that even over 5 months has not resolved itself, so I had an appointment with an orthopod who determined I had Bursitis, so after a cortisone shot am now doing physical therapy, and interestingly enough, and new to me, I am doing it with Telehealth in a live session on my computer, kind of like a Zoom meeting.

Then Jan had to see the dermatologist to check her lip for skin cancer, a repeating event, and sure enough will need to have it treated again:-(

But knowing us you know we managed to find some food here and there.

Delicious pizza in Ellijay.

Wonderful BBQ in Canton.

A new for us seafood place in Jasper.

And we even found a good sushi place in Canton.

Then we met good friend's John and Diane for lunch and a visit, and then spent a wonderful weekend with them at their lake house!  And completely forgot to take any pictures.

I even managed to be reevaluated for hearing aids since the one I have had for 9 years is almost useless, and it was determined with the new technology I would be able to hear in my bad ear.  I have been using a loaner for a week now and the difference is astounding.  My new one was ordered today.  We have a few other irons in the fire and still have to accomplish the follow ups on all this doctor stuff, but it's all working out nicely and we're having a good time.

See you in a couple weeks.


Anonymous said...

You have been so busy!! Sending all healthy hugs!! Xo. Deb

Bill & Jan said...

We're getting there:-)