Friday, November 2, 2012

New part's in

We ended up getting the new control box a day early, thank you UPS.  It went in this morning with great anticipation.  We turned the diesel burner on and..............nothing.  What????????  We cycled the switch and it lit right off, then we cycled it about 6 more times and it lit each time.  Is it fixed?  I called Roger the guru and asked him if this was normal, he said sometimes on the first attempt with a new box it doesn't light.  So we hope it's fixed, we are going to make all our hot water with diesel over the next few days and see what happens.  Keep your fingers crossed!

The grandkids went Halloweening and were very successful, about 20 pounds of candy each!  Jan and I aren't big on Halloween so we begged off while Kelly, Todd, and the kids went to a get together first, then trick or treating.  The kids were cute though.
Snow Queen and Harry Potter
We have had a great time visiting with our grandkids, they are growing like weeds.  Kelly and Todd have made their house a home and are surrounded with friendly neighbors with lots of kids.  It will be a great place to grow up.  

Jan and I went to the Eastern Texas Oil Museum and found out the biggest oil field in the lower 48 is right here in the Longview, Kilgore area.  More than 12,000 wells were drilled in this area and it is still producing and expected to produce for years to come.  Some 6 Billion barrels of oil so far!  It is probably responsible for us winning WWII as we had tons of fuel mostly coming from here to supply our ships, aircraft, and equipment as the Germans slowly ran out. The museum is in Kilgore and is fantastic, really well done.  It is a reenactment of a street in Kilgore at the height of the boom as they began pulling oil out of the ground some 3700' down!  They have many shops with extraordinarily realistic dummies that talk to you, like the banker in the bank, an electrical worker up a pole, the barber, you swear they are real people!  We spent a very enjoyable and knowledgeable 3 hours there.  

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