Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chillin, but ready to move?

We're in Louisville now at our very favorite "campground", Karen and Tom's beautiful Windenskye farm parked alongside friends and fellow full-timers, Steve and Bobbie.  We've had a nice get-together with everyone, and a good catch up.  It occurred to us that we haven't had the motorhome here since last Thanksgiving, and our last visit was a quick dash in the Jeep up from Atlanta in January.  It's sure nice being back, it is a quiet, peaceful, absolutely gorgeous place.

We got some packages too.  We finally replaced the horrible day/night shades in the bedroom with MCD blinds.  The day/night shades are a real challenge, hard to operate, hard to keep even, easily break, and oh did I mention, we hate them!  So MCD is having a sale, something they have never done before so we jumped on the opportunity and now have two new MCD shades.  The MCDs are nice in that they operate like a very sophisticated roller blind, except they go up and down with little effort, and retract with a very measured smooth motion.  They also have one shade for day time, and one for night time that completely blocks the light.  We are very pleased.

We also got the replacement air deflector for the Jeep that was broken on the interstate in Georgetown, and the diesel mechanic aka Jan, replaced that herself.  

Also while we are here I love to mow the grass.  There is plenty of it too!  Maybe 30 acres or so.  They have a zero turn mower, the "Z", that is a delight to use.  I like running it around mowing and just letting my mind go, it is so relaxing just looking at the beauty of the surroundings while going to and fro.  Unfortunately, the Z came to a screeching halt yesterday while I was on it:(  I have to do some investigation to see if I can repair it temporarily or whether it has to be taken to the dealer.  They also have a tractor with a bush hog that is enjoyable but not nearly the fun the Z is.

Into each day a storm sometimes arises.  My Mom who is seriously ill had a setback yesterday and was moved into a Hospice House to treat an acute situation that is unrelated to her cancer.  It could be a critical turning point near the end of her life.  We are praying that she pops out of there and is able to go back home, normally she is like the Energizer Bunny and pops back, but maybe not this time.  Time will tell, so needless to say we are ready to run to Florida at a moment's notice if necessary.

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