Monday, May 14, 2012

Older than we think

We had the grandkids over for the weekend.  They came on Friday evening and stayed til Sunday noon.  Sure showed Jan and I we haven't had kids in awhile:)  The fact it rained off and on on Saturday challenged us a bit.  But we played games, taught each to play checkers, and watched a movie when we had to stay inside.  We had a wonderful time, but it definitely reminded us of how much effort it takes raising kids.  So I guess this is a big, belated Happy Mother's Day!  Faith and Christian sure bring a lot of joy to our lives.
We had a surprise visit with Todd's parents, Irv and Peggy.  Nice seeing them.  They have entered the world of RVing also with their second motorhome, so we were able to share the joys and the challenges of the lifestyle.  So after a great Mother's Day dinner, we left so the kids could get to bed to be ready for school in the morning, or was it so Jan and I could go to bed early??

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