Saturday, May 12, 2012

Making plans, say WHAT?

We had this idyllic idea that when I retired we would just travel to and fro wherever the wind would blow us, stay as long as it was fun, then move on to bigger and better pastures.  Well, that is still the underlying goal, but there are events we need to take advantage of as we travel about.  We have very good friends who have been out of the country for years and have returned so we want to see them as we go by, and we have a big event in New Mexico June 6-9, and have farther out plans in Sep for Boise and Yellowstone.  Doesn't sound like a lot, but it does pose a few challenges for campgrounds.  During the summer, high season, a lot of the National and State Parks, where we want to stay, get reserved early.  A lot of people are out RVing these days.  We have made reservations at several public parks, and at several private campgrounds in places that are popular such as Santa Fe, Durango, and Pagosa Springs.
Most of the info on the Public parks is not as specific as the private places, so it can be interesting.  We are still learning and hope to pass on some of our findings with you as we proceed.  We are using several specific websites to find parks such as:
 All US and Canada Campgrounds
Park Reviews

And most are now taking online reservations which does make it easier.

Meanwhile we are really enjoying visiting with family and grandkids here in Texas.


Sandy Smith said...

Nothing quite as exclusive the Three Jacks Ranch, R/V Park and Casino!

Bill said...

Casino too, huh?