Sunday, February 4, 2024

February Already! Not Much to Report

Wow, February already, not.  There is something about January that goes oh so slowly especially with the absolutely terrible weather we have been experiencing here in Florida.  We keep reading that most of the country has high temps unusual for the winter, but man o man it has been cold and windy here, only had shorts on twice the entire month.  Have only been able to have Happy Hour maybe 50% of the time, even with the fire pit it's just too cold.  It's almost the only thing people are talking about, very, very strange winter.  So what to do, well, go out to eat:-)  Been a few highlights though.

After our incredible time with Jason and Joanne, we have settled in to our normal routine as much as we can without going outside except to walk.  We had about 2-3 days when we turned on the AC, the rest of the time to include right now we have the heat on.  Well Murphy has been lurking just waiting for the moment to come where he could raise his head and smite us and he did.  We turned all 3 AC's on to cool it off inside and our middle AC popped its breaker.  I reset it, tried it on just fan, then both heat pump and AC popped it again.  From experience of having replaced all 3 AC's twice already in all these years, and finding out the front 2 AC's are over 10 years old, we learned it is just better to go ahead and replace it rather than trying to fix it.  They aren't really built to be repaired, so we ordered one.  More to come.

In the meantime we've been out for a lot of lunches.  Tried a new taco place in Sarasota, Rocco's Tacos, pretty good.

Then we had a real treat.  A friend of ours, Debbie that we hadn't seen in about 12-15 years contacted us to say that she and her husband, Dom were going to be coming through our area between cruises and could we meet?  Absolutely.  We had a wonderful visit over an early dinner, met Dom, found we had a lot in common, caught up and really enjoyed our time together!

On one of the few nice days, Jan tackled the project of washing and waxing the motorhome.  She is doing it in sections this year, so she got the front, rear, and one side done so far, oh yeah and also the truck.  Just so you don't think it wasn't ever nice, we did enjoy this sunset.

Enjoyed several lunches at one of our favorite Thai restaurants, Thai Seed.  We had a shrimp appetizer and split a Nam Sod, a spicy pork salad.

We also cooked a lot ourselves, fried corn and scallops over some mashed potatoes, yummy, and of course now that we are in Florida, lots of fish and Jan is still hitting it out of the park with her Asian dishes!

Jan has been playing Mah Jongg each week, and doing lots of Liberty puzzles.

Also taking advantage of all the shrimp we bought and froze in Alabama.

Our good and long time, over 30 years, friend Ray, a young 92, and provider of the puzzles that I go to lunch with every week, and companion Linda, that Jan plays Mah with came over for dinner last night.  We had a wonderful evening, laughs, memories, companionship with a little politics mixed in.  It's wonderful how comfortable and enjoyable old friends are:-)

I am hoping in the next few weeks to have a little more to report, a few projects attended to and completed, some nice weather to experience, and a completion to all of our doctor appointments, Jan is already done, 2 more to go for me.

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