Sunday, January 9, 2022

Quick New Year Update

We have been busy bringing in the new year.  Our new tank monitors are working well with one exception, the black tank's lowest reading is 71%, so we are pretty sure it is gunked up inside, and needs a very thorough cleaning.  We bought some super tank cleaner and will be using it next week when we have to make a trip back up to Atlanta for dentist appointments.  It will finally be the last for Jan who has been waiting 2 years to get her crown, and will be my second to last appointment to get mine.

The tank cleaner works best if you can agitate the tank well with the chemical in it, so the drive to Atlanta should do it, and we have enough that we can do it twice if need be.  If that doesn't solve our problem then we will have to get with the manufacturer to see if we have a bad sensor.

All but our dentist and dermatologist are here in Florida, and since we postponed all doctors last year, this has been the year, we both have gotten a couple appointments out of the way with only a couple more for me later.

We've been visiting with friends, going out to lunch a bunch again, reconnected with friends Bruce and Cathie that we didn't see at all last year, seeing our good friend Ray again after not seeing him last year, working what seems like endlessly on this year's travel reservations, more to follow about that, and made an appointment for an oil change and chassis service on the way back from Atlanta.  

We had our annual New Year's dinner with Tom, braised roast pork, collards, corn bread, and black eyed peas brought by Tom, so we have set ourselves up for good luck in the new year:-)

Tom hamming it up at New Year's dinner

Jan's been playing mah jong again with friends, and I even made a road trip up to Lake Wales to visit a friend from my last airline, Keith, that was there escaping winter where he lives and flying a seaplane around, good times and a great visit.  And Keith, thanks for the Uncle Nearest!  So we are definitely in our winter routine, little projects, lots of walking, visiting, just laying back enjoying the weather and our down time from the road.

I'll leave you a beautiful picture of the seaplane Keith is flying.


K said...

Great to see you Bill! I enjoyed catching up.

You are welcome for the Uncle Nearest.... I know it's not bourbon but it will make a good substitute if you run low on Pappy Van Winkle :).

The owner of Cherry Pocket found a place for me so I'm extending my stay at least a couple more weeks.

Hope to see you again soon,

Bill said...

Excellent on getting a place to stay! Yeah, ha, if I run out of Pappy:-) Great visit. Let me know how long you're going to be there, maybe Jan and I could run back up before you leave after we get back from Atlanta.