Sunday, April 19, 2020

Decisions, decisions

First of all, the blog software is having technical issues, hence the absence of the pictures, they are working on it.

In the 10 or so days that have passed since my last post, we have been sweltering here in balmy Florida.  It feels like summer already, and believe me, we have been here many times in the summer and know what we are talking about:-)  There has been little rain, in fact the Sarasota area is about 6" short on rain for this time of the year.

We have been walking, walking, walking.  Jan has been able to play Mah Jongg online with her friends, I have been tying flies, reading a lot.  I know I'm not saying anything that all of you aren't doing as well.  We are stir crazy, and thinking about what the best course of action is, and what we can even do.  Most everyone here in the park is being super careful about social distancing, but even with all that is happening around the world, we have observed several parties with lots of people, not social distancing at all!  And all it tells us is that the perceived innocent person you run into, at your suggested 6', might not be as squeaky clean and staying away from everyone like you think.

We have made the difficult decision to cancel all of our Maine plans.  Maine and Vermont are still closed down.  We are terribly disappointed as we had planned to visit good friends along the way, and help them devour tons of lobster.  Our first Maine reservation for April 29th had already been delayed to May 15th, and even that will only apply if Maine opens up.  We hemmed and hawed and also considered the fact that many areas really don't want people coming in from away no matter their story.  We are pretty well self quarantined in our coach no matter where we go, but that is not really understood by most.  So what we have done with every campground that will let us, is to move our reservation to next year on the same dates and hope things will be back to normal.

As I said we had extended here for an extra month, so we are covered until the 8th of May.  We contacted two different campgrounds around Atlanta, our regular park and another new one and both campgrounds are open, operating almost normally, but with self checkin, prepayment with a credit card, and the office only available by phone.  And the surprising fact is they are busy!  So we are now going to head north if only as far as Atlanta for another month, and reevaluate then.  Both of us had dental work scheduled initially, then cancelled, and are hopeful we will be able to reschedule while we are there in May.  We also have been in contact with many of the campgrounds we had reservations with out west.  They are hoping to be able to stay open as we progress through the spring, summer, and fall.  

We also are thinking about and in the process of getting info on getting some paintwork that had been scheduled this spring here in Florida and cancelled, done along the way, time will tell on that.

So for now, we are trying to stay fluid, open to change and being careful, and very happy we will at least be able to go north a bit to get out of the brunt of the heat, and hopefully before it gets really hot in Atlanta we will be on our way west.  Stay well!

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