Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Is that a light at the end of the tunnel?

We got word yesterday, actually, only with phone call after phone call did I finally get word that our part, the drag link we've been waiting on, should be done and shipped today.  In order to make it work, we are having it overnighted to Josam, the alignment shop in Orlando.  It cost some extra money, but the alternative was to push through yet another weekend before leaving Florida.  So right now the part and us are to arrive at the shop tomorrow morning at 1000am.  It shouldn't take too long for it to be installed and we'll be on our way.  But only up to Ocala where we have an appointment with Detroit Diesel/Allison to have our transmission filters and fluid changed.  We wanted to get this item done before our trip to Alaska next summer.  The filter change is good for 3 years and the fluid should be good for 6 years.

So we got everything done once again;-)  The scooter is put to bed in the storage unit along with Jan's kayak.  She went back and forth about taking it with us, but decided with such a late start the chances of her using it this summer were remote, so it stays here.  I hope this post doesn't jinx us, as our part is supposed to ship at 330pm today!

So one more walk this morning in the humidity, grab the mail, and we should be off in the am!

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