Saturday, August 4, 2012

Done, done, done!

Today we finished up the install of the cellular amplifier kit.  We have high hopes for it, but are unable to really see results as we have full cell coverage right now.  Time will tell.  Before I get into the amp kit, I wanted to show you an absolute classic combo that pulled into our campground this morning.

Pretty nifty, huh?

The install of the cell kit was pretty straightforward once we figured out where to mount the two antennas.  The exterior one we mounted on our "Batwing" antenna as I mentioned.  That way it gets it up high, but also allows us to stow it down horizontally and out of the way of errant branches, etc. when we travel.
Exterior Cell Antenna
And after we went round and round to get the optimum distance between the interior and exterior antenna, we ended up mounting the interior antenna on the hallway ceiling just aft of the galley area.
The white cylinder on the ceiling is the antenna
We also mounted the Verizon modem right across from it so we will be able to take full advantage of the amplified cell signal.  While we were at it, Jan decided to mount all the electronic goodies that we've added in an orderly spot where it will be accessible if needed in the future.  I also wanted a way to be able to turn on and off the cell amp.  She worked in our small closet where the washing machine lives to make it happen.
Working away
She got the power strips mounted, and now the WiFi Ranger, and Boost system for increasing our WiFi signal, and the new amplifier for the cell signal are neatly arranged.  Great job, Jan!
All neatly mounted
So now folks, we are done for a while, and man, does it feel good.  That cold air blowing out of the new AC's, and knowing we are covered for our WiFi and Cellular coverage on the road is fantastic.  Can't wait to get to a poor cell area and really give it a try!  That sounds weird, doesn't it?

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