Monday, January 9, 2012

Back in Atlanta

Since my last post we made our way back stopping in a campground in Talladega, AL, Logan Lake.  Pretty old and tight, and pretty expensive, so I don't think we'll be going back there.  Funny as we drove to Kelly and Todd's this time we were remarking how it was probably the last time we would drive that particular route.  We couldn't conceive why we would be in Atlanta heading for Longview again.  We've been in the Atlanta area so long, basically since 1998, it's hard, but pleasant, to think of it not being a base of operations as we go forward.
Also after Jan picked me up from my trip yesterday, she commented that we would miss driving the GTI. That is VERY true, as it is a fantastically fun car, but it occurred to us we wouldn't be doing that kind of driving anymore.  When I think of the tons of miles I've stacked up driving to and from work, 50 miles each way, it will be very pleasurable to not do it anymore, not to mention the huge savings in gas!
As I've mentioned I'm pretty frustrated working right now.  It seems the closer I get to the end point the more frustrated I get.  So I've been pretty negative lately and kind of feeling sorry for myself.  Got quite a wakeup call this trip.  The captain I started my trip with explained that his wife, 53 years old, was just diagnosed with cancer over the holidays.  She was to start chemo the next day.  We arrived in Orlando and he called to see how things were going and was told she only had a month to live.  Sure puts things into perspective.  It's easy for me to feel sorry for myself, but I better wise up and be thankful for all that I have rather than all I have lost.
The WiFi ranger is supposed to be here on the 11th.  We are very anxious to get it installed and see if it works as advertised.  I will let you know.
We want to deal with the storage unit before we leave.  We are still trying to resolve little things like; do we keep our doctors here or elsewhere, Texas or Florida, if we have to keep a storage unit should we move things to Texas, etc?
Still counting down.

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