Sunday, June 23, 2024

New Base of Operations

We spent a few days cleaning up our site and saying goodbye to our new adopted family in Scarborough.

Our adopted family of six

Spring took awhile but it's fully sprung now.

From our site

And, of course before we left we had to explore a few new restaurants, this was O'Reilly's Cure to include a Guinness!

Pork belly bao buns

And a spicy shrimp rice bowl

Got another walk in on Well's Beach.

Back to Lord's for a last lunch.

Seafood chowder, haddock, and clams

Stopped at a pretty pond on the way back, Saco River Reservoir.

Jan got a new Liberty puzzle, 555 pieces, and put it together.

Had to get a pho fix:-)

We took a ride to Harpswell to eat at the Dolphin, beautiful spot with very sinful blueberry muffins that come with the meal.

And when we pulled in we saw this park job, wondered if someone was in such a hurry to eat that they forgot to brake in time, it turned out it was a new worker on her first day that misjudged the spot.  It was out by the time we left, just a bruise to the ego.

And yet another new restaurant, Paella Seafood, very good.

Shrimp ceviche

And the signature seafood paella

A quick visit to our favorite Thai place one last time, JoJo's.

Thai wings and scallion pancakes

Thai dumplings

Then what to do for lunch on our travel day?  Lobster seemed like a good idea.  BTW, lobster has been quite affordable so far this year, average price has been $7.99/lb, quite good, even have seen it as low as $5.99.  So over to our friendly grocery store that steams them for you, a little picking and we're ready to make our signature lobster rolls, in fact we got enough for two lunches in a row:-)

Mmm, Mmm, GOOD!

And now we are in Wiscasset for a week, and who knows maybe some more food pictures coming up, brace yourselves!

Our first rainy night at Chewonki Campground

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Getting Antsy, Short Update

Time is winding down for us here in Scarborough, which is good, we are both getting antsy to move.  We're just not cut out to sit for weeks and weeks at a time:-)  So we are doing what we do best, making sure to hit all the good places to eat in this area before we move on, you knew there had to be more food pictures.

We had an errand to LL Bean so we stopped for our last time at Harraseeket Lunch.  Very good as usual.

Whole belly clams and scallops, can't beat it

Then we had to go back a last time to the Lobster Shack, our new find before the season really kicks off.

Whole belly clams, onion rings, and haddock

We've been having bit of rainy weather as we work our way into spring, but we have persevered.

Our canopy, heater, and fire pit have been a Godsend this year

Then of course we had to get to Billy's on a last Wednesday for the oysters!

But definitely the highlight this past week was meeting up with great friends, Bob and Harlean, again, and Scott and Sue for a wonderful lunch at the Red Barn and a great visit back at B&H's home.

L-R:  Moi, Harlean, Jan, Scott, Sue, and Bob
Great to see you guys!

See ya down the road...

Monday, June 3, 2024

Us-12, Lobsters-0

 I have to say I did warn the lobster population we were coming for them:-)

Jason and Joanne rolled in right on time to meet us at Billy's for lunch and oysters, well for some of us anyway.  Not bad for a 7+ hour trip from Buffalo.  After hellos we got right down to it.

Then on to Billy's amazing lobster stew.

Then after a wonderful lunch, they headed to their cabin to check in and Jan and I took a walk on Well's Beach.  Beautiful day.

So the next day was deemed homemade lobster roll day, and I think our son was a little skeptical about our rolls compared to the many he's had elsewhere.  So off we went to get the 6 victims.

Then Jan and I started the cleaning process, followed by the construction of the rolls.

Lobster roll assembly station with chicken salad for Joanne

Joanne got stuck making her own chicken salad roll

So I made the first one for Jason using our super secret, never to be discussed recipe for the very best lobster rolls, and I guess he kinda liked it, because he devoured 2, but made his own after the first:-)  

And if you toast a real New England hot dog bun in butter, then
put a tiny dab of mayo inside on both sides, garnish with a bit
of sea salt, fill it to overflowing with lobster, then drizzle a little melted butter
over the top, well you'd be pretty close to our super secret recipe:-)

And in case you haven't figured it out yet, a lot of this visit included food, which they always do, specifically seafood and lobster.

So the next day for lunch we told them they'd have to pick a place, and are we ever glad they did, somehow The Lobster Shack has evaded our lunch quests previously, and after the experience and the food it will become yet another regular.

The Lobster Shack is out on Cape Elizabeth right on the water, and has been operating since the 1920's!

And then of course, the food.  Delicious!

Whole belly clams and onion rings

Haddock fish and chips, and lobster stew

It was great!

Then for the finale, lobster dinner!

First the victims, 6 more.

Then Happy Hour.

And then the feast.

We had a wonderful evening, wonderful visit, and are so glad they were able to come.

They had to leave early the next morning, as they had a detour on the way back, and then Jan and I got another unexpected surprise.  One of her cousin's, Mary Beth and her family were going by us on their way to Acadia for vacation, and could we meet?  Absolutely!  We had a super visit with Mary Beth and Jim, their son Andy and Jen, and their kids, James, Kady, and Anna.

We figured it had been almost 10 years since we'd seen them, and we had such a nice visit.  In all the excitement we didn't take any pictures, of course, right?  Jim did catch us saying hello to Mary Beth.  It was a wonderful cap on a great week.