Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Yeah, We're Still Here (Short Update)

I can report we didn't take a single picture the 10 days that Karen and Tom were here:-(  But I can attest to the fact we had HH every single day, lunches together almost every single day, and a few dinners, solved a lot of the world's problems, and we all got to experience the election.  We also did some sightseeing and had some fun.

Squeezed in an appointment with the oral surgeon and was okayed for an implant where he removed my tooth, that will be next year.   We had the motorhome washed, and since then over 3 days Jan has completely waxed it.  We've had to move sites 3 times, but get to stay in our present site until we leave.

We've since said goodbye to Karen and Tom, but before they left we had a great visit with one of Tom's sister's, Teresa and her husband, Bill in their beautiful home, including a delicious dinner.

Now we have started our busy, busy week, with eye exams, glasses ordered, dermatologist and dentist still to go.

We are looking forward to next week when our son, Jason, and our DIL Joanne come to visit and celebrate an early Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately we have had two issues come up, a coolant leak, very small, thankfully that we have to tackle,

although in a tight spot so it might be a challenge, and a faulty porch light.

With the time change and it getting dark so early we need a little light in the evening and all of a sudden, no warning at all, the porch light quit.  Okay, must be the bulbs, it's fluorescent so off to the store for new ones, pop them in and.......nothing.  So, of course ignoring the KISS principal I went directly to the fuses, none there, then to the switch, and in trying to switch the switch out managed to break it.  Fixed that, still no light so went online to try to find a new one.  Well, it's not available anymore, great, so we tried to pick out a new replacement, not keen on that because everything we've seen is LED and brilliant, not what we like.  So as I am pulling it down I said to Jan, you know I should wire it up bypassing the switch that is on the unit, and see if it works.  Well, that did it, problem solved.

That white knob is the switch, never used since it is 8' off the ground.

So a little more than 3 weeks to go here and we're off to Florida.


Anonymous said...

Missing you !! Deb & Harold xo

Bill & Jan said...

We miss you too. Florida is right around the corner.