Sunday, September 1, 2024

Quick Update

It seems like the main thing we have been accomplishing is putting a ton of miles on the truck:-)  Each round trip to Dr's or other appts, is a minimum of a 75 mile round trip and several run into 125.  This is a very nice campground but with Atlanta's dearth of campgrounds it is really the closest decent place so it is what it is.  Does have pretty sunsets though.

I got my new hearing aid and wow, I can pretty much hear out of my left ear now, amazing.  On one of our trips south we had some awesome chicken soup at a favorite Mexican place.

We have been doing a lot of exploring around North Georgia and decided to go check out the "south side", near Newnan, Peachtree City, and Fayetteville, where we really hadn't been since we moved here in 1998.  We saw a lot of nice country and managed to find a great brewery for a mid afternoon beer, something we do very rarely, I'll blame the heat:-)  But it has been HOT, high 90's and into the 100's!  

Even managed to have lunch at a favorite, Ted's Montana Grill, a bison salad and a bison burger.  And, of course, their famous pickles, two dishes worth.

Jan got her lip treated and hopefully that will do it for a while.  My physical therapy for my shoulder has ended and I would say it is mostly a winner, at least 90%, so much better.  Then Murphy just had to raise his head.  I went into the oral surgeons to get my tooth extracted and when he hooked me up for the anesthesia he said you're in A-fib.  What?  That was what I supposedly had fixed when we went back to Florida. Well, he said nonetheless you are in it now.  Anyway, he popped my tooth out and since it was so tight to the crown behind it, he told me it had come off during the extraction and he temporarily glued it back on until I could get to my regular dentist.  So two days later another 120 mile round trip to get the crown aligned properly and permanently glued on.  Then I contacted my heart rhythm Doc, sent him a copy of the read out, and the result is I am now wearing a heart monitor for a week.  It's pretty small and pretty much a non-event.  Then after the week we'll see what is what.  It's funny because I have zero symptoms, so fingers crossed.

Back to food.  We found a new to us Asian place, Asian Cuisine, which was pretty good.

Hot and Sour soup


Pad Thai

We also have found at least 3 seafood restaurants in the general area, amazing because there just isn't much around here.  We tried another recently, Salty Mule, quite good, in Canton.

Clam chowder

Ahi tuna wontons

Bang Bang shrimp

Very good conch fritters

So we tried to extend our stay here through October, since we already have a reservation for the month of November.  No such luck, turns out October is the highest season of the year, the leaf peepers combined with two weekends of apple festivals fills the park to overflowing, so we made some plans to travel around instead.  We are almost out of appointments, yay, still have several things to do, some more visits with friends before we leave in about 3 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hope things keep getting better for you!! Love you guys!! Deb & Harold

Bill & Jan said...

Fingers crossed!