Saturday, March 19, 2016

Teamwork and friends

I've gotten a little bit of flack from some friends when I indicated that Jan and I were getting antsy to move.  I tried to explain it has nothing to do with getting away from here and our friends, it's just we are happiest when we are moving, exploring, and just traveling in general.  It's quite a contrast between that time and our time here in Florida. We are surrounded here with friends who are ready and willing to help each other at a moment's notice.  It's a true gift.  While we are on the road it is mostly me and the Diesel Mechanic, Jan, to do all our projects.  The camaraderie here is wonderful.  

We have finished up most of our projects, so we helped our friend Harvey when he got his new mirrors, and I have to admit it looked a lot like a roadside DOT crew, lots of watchers and fewer doers:)

My back, then Doug, Jack, and Scott

Now if you look at the very bottom of the motorhome,
you'll glimpse Harvey's leg (he had the worst job)

Harvey contorting himself to put on the washers and nuts

Frank, a new observer and Scott coaching
The mirrors were both installed and adjusted successfully.

Then it was our turn.  We had noticed our passenger side bedroom slide was slightly tilted and causing the seal to distort so we decided to check it out.  First we had to remove the wood and carpet cover to be able to see the rollers.
The shelf that we had to remove

Shelf removed and looking under
We found the two rollers, and thought a small adjustment would take care of it until I managed to snap the adjusting bolt in two.  Oooopps.  Well, that meant I needed to get the roller out to fix the bolt, and that meant we needed to jack up and support the slideout.  This was another example of friends jumping in.  Pat had a bottle jack, we stole Harvey's campsite number post, and together we jacked up the slide.
Pat and I getting ready

Pat running the jack with Scott and I holding the boards in place

 Scott and Harvey, quality control
I got the roller out, and we found it had broken since it was already at its extreme range, and I had tried to turn it further.  It uses a bolt that has a nut welded on one end, and when turned it moves a wedge back and forth to raise and lower the roller.  Scott observed that if he took some metal off the wedge I may be able to get it to raise the roller a bit more.
The roller in place, the top bolt is what I broke

The roller out and apart, the wedge is right beside the wrench

The new bolt installed

You can see where Jack tack welded the nut to the bolt
It was successful, after a run to the hardware store for a new bolt and locknut, Jack welded the nut on the bolt as it was in the original, the cut down wedge enabled me to raise the roller a bit more.  I got it reinstalled, adjusted, and we removed the support.  I ran it in and out a couple times to be sure, and another project with a lot of teamwork is complete!
Putting it back in
We've had several more visits and meals with friends.  We were lucky to catch Steve and Bobbie before they head out for an amazing cruise, and enjoyed a very nice visit and excellent lunch at Marina Jack right on the water.  We were able to meet several others, Dick and Ann, Bruce and Cathie, and had long time friend, Ray over for a great dinner!
Ray and I toasting Jan's great stuffed shrimp!
Also, if you could, when you need something from Amazon, please use my link.  It costs you nothing more and might get me a few pennies for advertising them on my blog.  Thanks much!!

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