Monday, April 15, 2013


Well, it's not quite 9am, and I have already driven to the Tampa Airport, had breakfast and ridden my bike 16 miles!  Wow.  No I'm not bragging, it's just an example of what you can do when you get up at 2:30 am!  For real.  Jan had to catch a 5:30 am airplane out of Tampa to get to Louisville today.  All the planes out of Sarasota were full, and all but the first plane out of Atlanta to Louisville were also full, so that made the 5:30 the one.

Jan and her sisters and mother are going to visit family in western Pennsylvania, so Jan and Karen are driving up, and meeting Nancy and Viv in Pittsburgh.  So I am batching til Saturday when she gets back.

It's a nice overcast calm morning, nice for a bike ride.  We have been taking advantage of the bike path, and truly enjoying it.  It is pretty bike friendly here, so it is easy to get on the Legacy Trail, and from there you can go most anywhere in Venice.

The campground is probably half full now and by this weekend it will be almost empty.  All the snowbirds are flying back home.  It will be much quieter in and out of the campground, the roads won't be busy, and Jan and I have to admit, more to our liking.

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